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Light in interiors "blink" really fast


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that can give you a million other problems, and not even sure if it will fix it.

have you tried starting a new game (not your old save, pls) with no mods active, then slowly start to add mods until this weirdness happens, then figure out which mod created it? has to come from somewhere, it's not a vanilla feature to make candles flicker the crap out of everything

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that can give you a million other problems, and not even sure if it will fix it.

have you tried starting a new game (not your old save, pls) with no mods active, then slowly start to add mods until this weirdness happens, then figure out which mod created it? has to come from somewhere, it's not a vanilla feature to make candles flicker the crap out of everything

It came the other day when i was trying different enb's, but i made sure to uninstall everything from each enb everytime i used a new - and it's somewhere along there it happend Oo DIdn't notice it until i was using the enb i now currently use. But even if i remove the enb it happens .-. But no i didn't try to make a new game without mods on o.o


I will give it a try now and see if that will fix it c: But if noot, then i will make a fresh install D:

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that video you send me, that definitely looks like a lighting mod doing that... just for the heck of it, can you disable all your lighting mods to have a look?

That's the thing, i already tried that o.o I even disabled the one that came with my current enb, and that didn't fix it either D:

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