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Light in interiors "blink" really fast


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I'll update on how it goes, here xd


Well I didn't find a lot on the topic, this topic was for Realistic Lighting overhaul but perhaps it might help. You don't have that in your load order but the principle issue sounds the same.

Hmm i did use to have that mod though. I used to have several mods with lights, even one of my enb's added tons of light and even a program for lighting - but i removed it (after i tried it out tho - never found out what it did ._. )

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And i did get directors tool here the other day as well (which does have the possibility to fully control fog), beside that i think i did also get a mod or something in general that removes fog.


Edit: And i wanna check how many places i actually have it - because i know it happens in riverwood in the trade thingy. But i haven't noticed if it does it in any other city tbh.

Edited by Effie
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The trouble is that it persists through a new game with no mods, so assuming that without there's nothing left in your Skyrim folder that shouldn't be...I can't really think that it would be Skyrim. That's just my best guess is that perhaps the most common "reinstall/update your drivers" might be the quickest route. Not really a lot on this sort of flickering so it's a pain trying to find something that seems worthwhile to try.

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Yeah exactly why i did a new fresh install or what it can be called. Because figuring out what caused it was impossible and literally not worth it after 5 hours. Hopefully i can play it tomorrow, since tonight will be dedicated to downloading mods (and make sure this doesn't happen again by making a back up of everything so i can easily just fix it o.o

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Well guess i found the problem. HiAlgoBoost seems to be the one that greatly speeds up the light flashing, and i didn't notice it before because the lights weren't as bright as when i got a specific enb. Atm i have no mods and as used as i installed HiAlgo it started again, just not as bright since the lights ain't bright at all D:

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