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Multiple quests being broken (triggers not working)


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For some reason some quests' triggers don't seem to work, for example: the "Order up" quest can't be finished (even by using commands) because trudy refuses to talk about paying me (i can still trade with her tho); In "Brain Dead" (Far Harbor) i had to use commands to force-finish the quest because after killing the murderer, the robot refused to talk to me (game didn't even say that he occupied); In "Acadian Ideals", "Living on the Edge" and also "Hull Breach" (all Far Harbor), *all* NPCs that were supposed to talk to me for their optional "help" objective, and Machete Mike ignore me. I think it might be a mod f***ing up something, maybe two mods conflicting idk or hell might even be a vanilla bug. So i'd like some help figuring out this bs, also here's my list:

(please don't make fun of me lmao, i just blindly install mods and if it doesn't immediately CTD after loading it stays. By the way "Custom Merge - Weapons" is a merge of some plugins i made; also, if you need something else just tell me)


*edit: i found the fix by myself, it was an incompatibility issue between UF4P and Player Comments. Yay for me
Edited by slender12345
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