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Large request, several NPCs, Weapons, standalone, and new meshes.


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First, let me say thank you, for taking the time to read this.


Now then.


I have a rather specific request, and not being a modder myself, I decided to give this a shot.


The request... is quite a large one, involving 5 NPCs. each with unique armor, and hair.

To provide background, I'm writing a book, these 5, are to accompany my character in Skyrim, who'd need the 6th weapon, and armor.


Anyway, The book is called "The Wrathchildren" Logging the adventures of a certain man, and his companions.

I'd prefer to discuss specifics privately, through messaging, so, if your not up to do it, no big, I understand, its a large ridiculous request.



the basics are that it would entail writing in 3 female Npcs, and two males.

Each of the added NPCs would require a custom hair, (maybe eyes), weapon, and armor, as well as body type.

And then a custom weapon and armor set for my character.


Anyone who's willing to help in anyway let me know.

We can discuss compensation if you desire.


Thanks again, sincerely


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