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Weird Astronomy In The Wastes


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I like my game to have an "alien" look, which is why I use mods like 'Saturnworld'. This backdropping still-recognizable DC landmarks really makes for dramatic impact, IMO - kind of like the buried Statue of Liberty in the original 'Planet Of The Apes' movie. Lore be danged, I just like the look.


There are mods that provide variant forms of sky, stars, sunglare, the Sun and the Moon. These got me to thinking about mod ideas that someone here may find interesting enough to consider.tackling:


1) Further Sun Variants - More variety in the size and colour of the Sun. IF possible, even have a Binary (twin) sun look - like the scene in 'Star Wars' original, when Luke watches the sunset and we see there are TWO suns. Tthinking the two Suns (preferably in different colours) as seen from Earth, tend to remain VERY close together rather than having them track across the sky differently. Those really obsessed with detail may also want to think what this will mean for sunglare and shadows.


2) Wrecked Moon - Thinking of scenes from the recent remake of 'The Time Machine'. Turn the Moon into a partial sphere closer to Earth with large cracks in it and a trail of debris.


3) Alternate Worldform - Extra-freaky territory here, with a side-order of bizarre. Suppose the DC wastes are no longer on a planet surface (if they ever were :wink: ) but someplace weird like a Ringworld or Discworld or whatever. Inspiration from Charles Stross's story 'Missile Gap', Larry Niven's 'Ringworld' and others. Those who liked 'Missile Gap' and are running with something based on that idea may even consider dropping a few "clues" in the Wastes - notes from people talking about how the sky changed, etc..

Edited by 7thsealord
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