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Spent about 5 hours, got nothing


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Alright guys, I'm finally ready to give up and ask some advice. I've been playing Skyrim (pirated), and finally bought it today. I wanted to mod it and have it look awesome, as I've seen in vids and whatever. I've tried all kinds of mods; hair, esbs, maximum skeleton, etc. I can't get ANY to work. I've tried both the NMM downloader and manually doing it myself, mostly just throwing one after the other into the data folder. At this point, I'm probably gonna have to totally reinstall my game due to how many mods I've tried. I know I have to start a new game to get the bigger ones to work, but I can't even figure out how to get the most basic mod working for me. Can ANYONE, please give me a link or guide to doing the bigger, better mods like Maximum Skeleton, Sharpshooter's ESB, styuff like that. At least if I could figure out one or two, I think I can figure out the rest. But as of now, I'm just ready to give up. Please help. I want to get this game looking like y'alls.


I am going to assume you really bought this game but if I hear any other thing about piracy I will ban you. We don't support it here.~LIsnpuppy

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Firstly I don't know what the policy is, but even having pirated in the past should probably count towards a ban imo, secondly if you have the legendary edition you are probably not going to find very many mods that work out the download, due to the simple fact that the legendary edition and standard with separate dlc version have very different file structure from what I've heard, and would most likely require mod versions for the different master file.

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hey, most mod pages come with instructions on how to install, and some mods also have other dependancies...

I would suggest to not use the word piracy here btw...


"due to the simple fact that the legendary edition and standard with separate dlc version have very different file structure from what I've heard, and would most likely require mod versions for the different master file." link? They are exactly the same. Just need to go in Steam and download the DLCs by clicking on them.


Annnyway, when NMM installs it will find your Skyrim directory when you install a mod through NMM which comes with a plugin (esm/esp) you need to install+activate it. Mods without plugins (generally texture replaces) are always active. If you're convinced some mod is not working, put an example... Mod + what you did to install + what is happening in game (screenshots do help)

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Well, piracy is an ugly truth. Sorry, but your disapproving remarks don't help anything there. I did buy the game, not the legendary edition, and decided to invest, for a FOURTH time, in this game. Yes, I've owned this game twice on Xbox before, so please don't try to make me feel bad. Thank you for the replies, though I've basically had to lower my security settings in some programs to allow some mods through. So far, I've only gotten a hair mod to work, but I'm more interested in animation mods, and ESBs. Mainly, I can't see the mods I've installed when I try to start the game and look in the data menu. Like, the hair mod works, but I can't see that it's even installed in the game menu.

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Only mods with plugin will show up in that list... if they come without, you wont see them there :)

Animation mods generally have dependancies on other programs like SKSE, FNIS and SkyUI. They also require different skeleton like XPMS 1.6 or 1.81.


You can find these programs here;


SKSE: http://skse.silverlock.org/

FNIS: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811/

SkyUI: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3863/

XPMS: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26800/

Please follow instructions closely for those mods/programs.



ENB is easy to install, you just need to download an ENB from here, follow instructions on the page and download the ENB binary from the ENB website (that's not on Nexus) and youll find more instructions over there about changes youll need to make to your SkyrimPrefs.ini


In general ENB from nexus contains all the needed files except for d3d9.dll which much be downloaded from the ENB website (make sure you get the correct version as mentioned on the Nexus mod page - not anything else!)

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Read the animation page of what you want FIRST. Not everything is compatible, and not everything needs FNIS (a lot of stuff is incompatible with FNIS as well) ... Animations are generally not the kinda mods that are download -> install -> play.


If you dont you'll probably find yourself in a broken game pretty soon. So take care, certainly since youre new to modding.


Make backup of your Data folder, make backup of your saves so you can roll back in case stuff goes banana's.

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Read the animation page of what you want FIRST. Not everything is compatible, and not everything needs FNIS (a lot of stuff is incompatible with FNIS as well) ... Animations are generally not the kinda mods that are download -> install -> play.


This, exactly. Animations are also likely better left for once you get the hang of the folder structures and how easier to install (aka... download -> install -> play) mods are installed and operate. But to each their own, some times the only way to learn, is to jump head first in the mud and wallow your way out. Good luck.

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If I hadn't bought this game (FOUR times, mind you), you think I would mention pirating it ON A WEBSITE FOR THE GAME? C'mon, really? This is kinda getting old with the banhammer threats. I admit to it, and I mentioned it only because I was originally using the saves from that game in the legit version. So please get off my back.


Now, thanks guys for the actual replies on the animation quandries. I've modded a little for WoW before but that was VERY different. And I guess I should've known that animation would not be for a beginner. I guess a ESB would be slightly easier, and maybe the middle step I need, before attempting an animation mod. Thanks for the replies, and any help I can get in regards to ESBs or Animation mods, even a link to a walkthrough, is much appreciated. I have gotten some clothing mods and the high heel walk mod to work in the meantime, as well as some hair and armor mods.

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I am going to assume you really bought this game but if I hear any other thing about piracy I will ban you. We don't support it here.~LIsnpuppy

Are you actually arguing with a site moderator?? While you may or may not have bought it X number of times, and you may or may not agree or disagree with the rules or the site moderators and administrators... it's not a very smart thing to do. That's all.

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