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Endless loading screens when entering a city


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Well, I got hit by this dreaded issue recently. Is there a fix?

I've completed the Thieve's Guild up to restoring the former glory, I've completed the Dark Brotherhood, and I've completed Dawnguard.


This started after I made a backup archive of my Skyrim folder, though I don't see how this could've caused this issue.

Whenever I enter a city, via door or fast travel, my loading screen doesn't end. I've had to alt-f4 out each time. This only occurs on this file, my other files have no problem.

So, do I have to scrap this save and start fresh or is there a possible fix? I've considered Open Cities but that's just avoiding the problem instead of fixing it.

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HM DB CookQuestFix.esp
Craftable Invisible Helmets.esp
Lady of Death.esp
Spriggan Armor 2.esp
Hoodless Archmage Robes.esp
SoS - The Wilds.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp
Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
Windfull Skyrim.esp
ERSO 30 - Better Enemy AI Dawnguard.esp

They load in this order. It was arranged by BOSS.
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If I knew how to create spoiler tags I'd post my BOSS log as well.
Mods with esm/esp
Active - Skyrim.esm
Active - Update.esm
Active - Dawnguard.esm
Active - ApachiiHair.esm
Active - RaceCompatibility.esm
Active - DrowCompanions.esm
Active - HM DB CookQuestFix.esp
Active - HoodlessArchmageWithFixedStats.esp
Active - SkyUI.esp
Active - Cloaks.esp
Active - CompleteBarenziah.esp
Active - Craftable Invisible Helmets.esp
Active - FlameAtronachArmor.esp
Not Active - KhantuArmor.esp
Active - Lady of Death.esp
Active - Spriggan Armor 2.esp
Active - Dr_Bandolier.esp
Active - DeadlyDragons.esp
Active - DeadlyMonsters.esp
Active - Hoodless Archmage Robes.esp
Active - SoS - The Wilds.esp
Active - dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp
Active - Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
Not Active - P1FlyingRing.esp
Not Active - Playable Children PLUS.esp
Active - ZazimelDrow.esp
Not Active - BVLT - Human.esp
Not Active - BVLT - Dark Elf.esp
Not Active - Basvanbeu MuscleTextureChanger with Navetsea set.esp
Not Active - AJ's modifications.esp
Active - Windfull Skyrim.esp
Active - ERSO 30 - Better Enemy AI Dawnguard.esp
Active - Skysan_GlassNTGBow.esp
Not Active - Spriggan Armor L.esp
Mods without esps

360 Walk and Run Plus

A Quality World Map

AOF Believable Hair

Bowlegged jump fix


Immersive Animations

YY Anim Replacer - Zweihander

YY Anim Replacer - Mystic Knight

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I've had this problem too, it can be that you save is damaged by the mods you have installed/uninstalled, what i did is i uninstalled Skyrim and and deleted all mods, and installed it again with mods that i really need or the important ones, i think you got too many mods in Skryim installed, and crashes skyrim often of you got just endless loading screens? these mods can help


Skyrim Unofficial patch


and if you have the DLC's


Dawnguard Unofficial patch

Dragonborn Unofficial patch


(I can't post the links because Nexus is not working right now)

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I'm surprised that I've got "too many" mods. A lot of people I've seen use 50, 100, even upwards of 200 mods with supposedly no problems.

Reinstalling Skyrim isn't an option right now. I don't have a disc and I have a pretty limited data usage so downloading from Steam isn't going to be a possibility.

Since this is only happening on the one file, I'm just going to bite the bullet, scrap it and start new. At least this'll give me reason to do the vampire side of Dawnguard.

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