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nmm problem


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Only mods that come with a esp or esm file show in the plugin list. Replacers (so not features added to the game, just replaced - eg. Skin textures) that do not come with a bsa archive will not (or dont have to) come with a plugin, so they will not show in your list.

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i know that but I'm talking about a mod that I've installed (XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement) and it was in plugins tab and in data files on launcher....then i uninstalled it and installed it again and activated it but it wasn't there no more....after that i tried some more mods to download and none was showing in plugins tab....but i know that for example Enhanced Night Skyrim works and it was also in the list but not anymore...

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That's weird :\

Can you check this file;


%userprofile%\AppData\local\Skyrim\plugins.txt (that should list all your plugins that the game loads, it's also the file NMM edits when you change load order)... See if the file is there, not in some sort of read only condition, that folder access restrictions are lifted to that folder... Also, starting NMM as Administrator?


PS. Enhanced Night Skyrim has no plugin, it's just textures. So it shouldnt show in your plugin list... Or what are you talking about exactly?

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All i sad about enchanted night that it's working and I'm almost positive that it showed in plugins as well now it ain't and for XCE I'm sure it was in plugins and data folder....my problem is that the mods I've downloaded and activated are not on plugins/data folder and yesterday they was

already checked the plugins.txt XCE not there either....starting game via skse_loader

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