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Transparent Objects, See-Through Actors, Sunglare Through Scenery, Oh


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I have something of a predicament. You see, objects and actors that are indoors get this strange transparency when the camera is in juuust the right place. Observe:



If you look at the front of the bed, you can see a person and some barrels on the floor below.



You can see straight through Jennette, here.


On top of all that, sunglare will pass straight through the scenery and I have no Idea why. Check it, yo:



Perhaps the the buildings and land forms are transparent, too. I don't know.


What the heck is causing this madness!? Is it a bad mod? Bethesda's perpetual incompetence? If you know how to fix this, please say so. Thanks in advance, guys.

Edited by KlinkKlink
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If you're using ENB, then no, there's no way around it, unless you know how to modify drivers' call rendering functions. Similar issues were present in older AMD drivers from 2011.


If you're not using ENB, then verify cache through Steam and use proper mod load order.

Edited by ZeroKing
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  • 1 month later...

hi to all. i have the same problem as picture 3. even though i set up my skyrimprefs .ini - floatrenderpointarget = 1 it still remains. should i have to uninstall my latest nvidia driver? now i hae 320.49 installed but i still have available the 314.22. it will be resolutive?

Edited by mat257
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