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Hey people.


I really hope someone reads this and better yet, is able to assist. Apologies if a similar thread already exists.


What I would like to know is how to use Xmarkers correctly.


For example, I'd like to turn the storage room in Lakeview Manor into a childrens room, which I have done, but the buggers refuse to sleep there. I'm in no way an expert in the CK, but from what I understand, and Xmarker is used for this. I don't know how to make a marker that marks a specific room.


Am I correct in saying that a marker is placed in the room, and then the beds should be linked to that marker, to make the kinds understand that they have to sleep there?

I have tried moving the marker from the top floor to the new room, but that confuses the crap out of them.


Re-reading this makes me dizzy. I hope someone understands what I mean.


Thanks in advance!

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Is there no-one that can help?


Let me refine my issue.


When I move markers on the same level ie. the second floor of Lakeview, to a new room on the ground floor, the kids use all of them except the bed markers. The lie down, use a dummy I put in, play lute, flute, drums, they warm their hands.... But they absolutely REFUSE to sleep in the beds. They go out the door, come back, go out, come back... Constantly. It's driving me insane. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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