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Instant Crash at Game Start-up


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I wanted to start a new game with all 4 DLCs again and enhance this game with some mods. I downloaded all of them with NMM 0.44.15 . So far the "Nevada Skies" mod alone worked perfeclty fine, but as soon as I did install the others (see screenshot) I get instant crashes without crash-reports at the game start-up.


I start, as recomended, Fallout:NV with the custom fnv4gb.exe because I installed NMCs texture pack.


Any idea why this happens? Is there a certain order how to activate the new weapon texture mods? (which one to allow to overwrite? like one should do with the NMC texture pack: part 2 and 3 "no" )


Screenshot of my downloaded and activated mods



Thansk for help.

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You said all 4 dlcs. You do have gun runners arsenal as well as dead money, honest hearts, old world blues, and lonesome road right?

A crash like you're having could easily be due to a missing master file. I've never had any issues with fallout 4gb or nmc's texture pack, or wrp, and i doubt those textures would cause a crash. I'm also assuming you have enough ram since you're using the 4gb thing. Seeing your actual load order would have helped more than the mods tab in NMM too

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Im having the same exact issue. Boss says everything should be fine and i have experience modding skyrim and using NMM, Boss, Tes5edit ect. But i cant get Fallout to work. (also i have my own sepperate post with my info in it.)

Edited by Vaikran
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