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Looking for a specific Breezehome mod


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So I recently wiped my hard drive and reinstalled Windows after some major technical issues with my computer. I backed up all my libraries (My Documents, Music, Videos, etc) and reinstalled Steam and Skyrim. Unfortunately, under the circumstances, I couldn't get into the game and move all my in game items out of a modded house and into vanilla storage. I have the save file, but not the mod. Without the mod, I risk losing roughly 20,000 septims, 40-50 dragon bones, a variety of crafting supplies, a crap load of gems, jewels, and weapons I've made, and unique items I've collected. I've tried to find the specific mod on both the Workshop and Nexus, but haven't been able to find it...

It was a modded Breezehome. The mod put a secondary floor in, accessible from a wooden hatch at the back of the house. Once inside, there was a small book on a table addressed from the man who designed the mysterious hidden floor of the house. According to the lore, he used old dwemer plans for heated water pipes to create a large hot tub (which was in another room with an enchanting and alchemy table). Apparently the guy was going to show his designs to the Emperor, and even the Jarl had no idea about the hidden floor. There was a sort of "boiler room" that was filled up to the knees with water. A couple of those nasty paranha-like fish, a few bones, and random metal pieces were in the water. On the opposite side of the floor was a long room with a desk (with a lockbox, map, pen, paper, etc), a safe, two chests, smelter, skinning rack, forge, a small bed or two, and a few weapon racks and cases. There were no manequins.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? I would very much like to find that specific mod so I can reinstall it again and avoid losing all my hoarded crap and money...

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