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Two Characters Broken


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So, just about 30 minutes ago I logged into the game and it appears two of my three characters are broken. Something within the character itself is simply not working right.


For Example, for both characters should have completely different hair color and style, beard color and style, and skin tone. Regardless, they both have are now bald with the braided 1 beard and white beard color. Enter into a world, and both now constantly have the 'eye' icon that should only appear when you go into the crouch. Also, neither can appear to crouch, they stand up and move and regular speed, the only difference is if you try to crouch, you can't jump anymore.


Also, I downloaded the character edit mod to see if I can fix the looks, and you can't. The only thing you can change is the sex.


The third character seems to be completely fine, and when I brought him into the two worlds the effected characters live in, there were no problems.


I tried using the standard backup in the appdata folder but it just pulled the screwed up characters back through steam.


This is weird and I haven't seen this before. At this stage I plan on making a new Character into each world and make them look the way that I want and manually change their stats to match the effected characters. Or at least the one that I play with on a dedicated server. Unless someone has a better idea to fix it, I am going with that.

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