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Game Crashes to Desktop


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Ok so about 2 weeks ago I've decided to buy and install skyrim along with dawnguard and hearthfire... so good so far as it worked... I had time to finish the main skyrim storyline, to build my hearthfire house, and start the dawnguard main storyline.... now here's where the trouble begins. I've had an error on one of my hard drives, the one where skyrim was installed along with my windows. It was dying so I bought a new hard drive, its compatible with my computer, its got the same size inside and all that... I reinstalled my windows and everything, updated everything and reinstalled all the drives. Didnt tought I would have any problem getting skyrim to work again since I did first time. I went on and retraced my steps: First installing skyrim, then dawnguard, then hearthfire like last time.

So here's the problem now... when I click "start a new game" it simply crashes to desktop, no error.

I've reinstalled it without dawnguard and hearthfire and it works, been able to start a new game, made a new character, got out of helgen and saved my game in riverwood. Then I went on and installed dawnguard, started the game again and surprise, it crashes to desktop upon trying to load, I did open it again and tried to start a new game once more... still crashes to desktop. My specs havent changed since then, and the "can you run it" test on the internet still says my computer passes the test to run it. I dont know what the problem could be, once I install dawnguard not even disabling it in the data files works, it still crashes to desktop with no error. I've used the nexus mod manager to make sure the load order is correct skyrim > update > dawnguard... still nothing.

I've tried researching it on the net but in some cases its the specs that changed , in other cases its the load order....here I dont know what could be, my specs havent changed so it cant be them, but it did ran before with dawnguard and hearthfire so it kinda points that its the specs that changed, but all I did was to replace my hard drive disk with a new one, its just a storing device that shouldnt affect my game in any way.

If anyone knows how I could go around this since I really want to finish dawnguard as well, I would appreciate it.

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I suppose I'd say to delete Dawnguard.esm and Dawnguard.bsa and reacquire them using Steam's Verify Game Cache feature.


Cross your fingers, I made a thread just the other day about my game being trashed after getting a new hard drive. Skyrim is a profound, finicky thing.

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I suppose I'd say to delete Dawnguard.esm and Dawnguard.bsa and reacquire them using Steam's Verify Game Cache feature.


Cross your fingers, I made a thread just the other day about my game being trashed after getting a new hard drive. Skyrim is a profound, finicky thing.

You did? Its funny how we have the same problem then.

However it dosent seem to be dawnguard thats messing up my game, I mean it IS dawnguard, but it looks like my computer cant run dawnguard anymore regardless from where I take it.

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I'm new to all this modding stuff, but maybe you should try something like this if you haven't already:

- Use BOSS to check load order

- Installed all those mods again you had installed before?

- Used another Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini tweaks before? Heard the uGrid stuff will burn your saves if you try to use them on an "other system" with a different uGrid value.

Indeed, this is not an other system, but your uGrid setting could be different.


I hope one of this things will help.




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I'm new to all this modding stuff, but maybe you should try something like this if you haven't already:

- Use BOSS to check load order

- Installed all those mods again you had installed before?

- Used another Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini tweaks before? Heard the uGrid stuff will burn your saves if you try to use them on an "other system" with a different uGrid value.

Indeed, this is not an other system, but your uGrid setting could be different.


I hope one of this things will help.




I appreciate, but I probably should of specify that I played with no mods before, just the DLCs, and I tried with no mods now either. I used the nexus mod manager to make sure the load order was correct. But its ok, I have solved the problem after so many days of constants headches trying to get it to work.

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Ok so I solved my problem, which I dont even know if it was a problem at all, I mean it is odd it got solved just by this. I was basically getting a Crash To Desktop for just trying to start a new game or loading a clean save that just got out of helgen, the CTD would only occur once I would install dawnguard and update my game, a clean vanilla skyrim working otherwise (its how i managed to make a clean save right off helgen).

Anyway here's what solved this problem for me: just tried playing windowed.

Yes, seriously. Playing the game full screen would lead to CTDS every single time. Playing windowed but with it still wrapped around all my screen except that I can see the task bar, makes it run with no problems. This is rather strange, and unexpected, I guess I might of had some graphic changed when installed that new hard drive? Anyway hope this might help someone in the future.

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