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What are the different types of vampire eyes for different races?


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I've used the search function, but I wasn't able to find an answer to my question.

Basically, what are the different types of eyes for each different race?


With my Dark Elf character, I went into lycanthropy within a couple of hours of starting the game, then became a vampire lord from Serana, after killing Harkon at the end of the DG quests. I started the game with all DLCs already up.


Because of that, I'm not sure about how the eyes would differ if I was infected by a vampire, rather than becoming a vampire lord.


My eyes are glowing yellow usually, but sometimes when I've gone too long wihtout blood, they turn all black. But I've also heard about people with non-glowing yellow eyes, and other people with red eyes etc.


Are yellow eyes for vampire lords and red eyes for normal vampires?




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If you have Dawnguard installed all the Vampires have Yellow/orange eyes and without Dawnguard all the vampires haves dark red eyes.

Ahh, thanks. Guess that solves the red eyes thing.


But what races get glowing eyes and what races get non-glowing?

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