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Skyrim Se ram usage


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I have done some checking of how much ram my set up is using. I have 720 active core mods that is the main part of the game and about 120 follower mods. I have 16gb of DDR 3200 ram . Using the Radeon metrics I am using average 40% of ram when not running Skyrim Se. So that is just normal system and usage fire fox open with you tube and a few back ground programs like steam, antivirus etc. When I run Skyrim SE and I am out side it is 75% usage and it depends on the interiors as to how much. I have a number of companion mods active in Dead mans drink. So a busy tavern cell with a lot going on. Ram usage is at 95%. Checked this with a free all in one maintenance program Advanced system care and the results are the same. So I might just have to increase my ram.

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Have you tried logging out on YouTube? I don't subscribe, so I don't know if it will help. Just guessing. My SE is rather beefy, and it can use up to 14 gig ram on my comp.


You could also run Skyrim Performance Monitor (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3826) in the background while playing, and it will show you how much system and video ram Skyrim is using all on its own. It takes a little bit of effort to set up, but it may help you to see the effects of changing mods or LO.

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I have about the same memory and I only use just a bit over half while playing Skyrim. I do have many mods to make the game look better, weather, lighting, npc's, plants/trees, ect. I don't run anything else than the game when I play so try to turn off the other stuff and see if that helps.

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I have a 6G card and 64G of primary memory, The game rarely goes much beyond 3-3.5G on main primary, and when outside it rides very close to peak for VRAM, and somewhere near the ~65-70% mark indoors

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