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Idea for an automated storage mod?


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I had an idea for a storage mod, rather like an "ingredient sorter" that automatically takes all your ingredients and puts them in a container for you, but more flexible.


What if, when the container were empty and you add an item, a script determines what kind of item it is (armor, clothing, whatever - perhaps based on the item icons?) and moves all of that kind of item from your inventory to the container. So it could be an ingredient chest if you put an ingredient in it, or an armor wardrobe if you put a piece of armor in it, etc. No fancy configuration required, no user interface, just stick an item in and you're done. Take 'em all out and stick something else in, and it's reconfigured. Simple.


Such a straight-forward idea surely must have already been done. Does such a mod already exist? If not, would anyone be interested in such a mod? (It would probably be most useful with portable containers.)

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That mod is similar to what I have in mind, bgibbs01, but not quite. It's not as configurable as I had in mind.


After a great deal of futzing around, I've come up with something that works, though it's not quite the same as the original idea. It's a container that contains magic gems, which you take out and put in whatever container you want to sort that type of item to - ie, put the Armor gem in a chest, the Ingredients gem in a barrel near the alchemy table, etc. This is done in game, by the player, and if the player changes his mind, all he needs to do is move the gem to another container.


The only scripts are on the main sorting container, and one on each gem. Because the gems spawn in the container, the player can place the sorting chest (at the moment, it's actually a dwemer urn) via the console and get full functionality without resorting to the creation kit to link items or set properties. I'm testing it now, and if it works out, I'll release it.

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