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Additions Revamped


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Seeing as how Additions is one of the most downloaded mods on the net, I was hoping somebody could advise me on some trouble I'm having with the mod. The water nymph race that's introduced will not render correctly. Specifically, all that exists where there should be water nymphs are lots of intersecting yellow blobs, indicative of some kind of error.

Is this a placement error, or is something odd with the mod?


What I would like to do is keep most of the mod and cut out the Water Nymphs, but I haven't ever messed around with the TES Editor. If you all have any ideas, leave some feedback.

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  • 3 months later...

Help help the argonians are missing!!.


I read though and tried the euro rpg link but its down :( does anyone have the argonian textures or let me know how to take them out of the mod (if its easy for a total novice Hmm or maybe is it possible to copy differnent textures and make tehn look like woodelves :) just rename the file?


help im desparate to see a dragon.

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Yeah, I got something similar. Instead of a 'dark' argonian, I got an albino Argonian!


My guess, for what it's worth, is that either the texture isn't referenced correctly, or there's a proper reference, but the texture isn't in the right place. Assigning the original Argonian textures should 'fix' the problem, but isn't really a solution since it won't properly represent the concept.

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