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Level 15 + Skyrim crashes to desktop.


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I got Skyrim a couple of weeks ago and was progressing through the game was happy as can be. However once I reach about level 15 the game starts to CTD rather inconsistently. Every so often the game will crash to the desktop when i save or load or enter a new area, but it starts up again perfectly fine. As time went on however, the crashes became more and more common until the game was unplayable. I ended up scouring the web looking for solutions to my problems; I downloaded BOSS and TESV Edit and tried maybe a dozen solutions, all of which failed. Eventually I came to the conclusion that my save game was irreversibly corrupted somehow, so I deleted everything, including by save games, reinstalled everything again, started up a new character and began to progress through the game again. I'm back to level 15 and the crashes are stating again, and I'm wary to even begin attempting to fix it without outside help. I have absolutely no idea what could be causing these crashes and like I said, its fine up until level 15. My save games are only at 5.2 mb so that's not the problem.


The mods I have installed on NMM are:

Riverside Lodge with Sauna

FNIS behavior

Fnis Spells

XP32 New Animation Package

Immersive Armors (with UNP Support)

UNP Female Armors

Realistic Ragdolls and Force


Brows - High Resolution

Ponytail Hairstyles

The Eyes of Beauty


Dimonized UNP Skinny Body

SG Female Eyebrows

Women of Skyrim

Climates of Tamriel

ShowRaceMenu Precache killer

The Ningheim Race

Race Menu

Project ENB

Immersive Weapons

JaySus Swords


My computer isn't the best, it only has 4 GB of RAM, but it should be able to run Skyrim, even with the ENB.

Any help would be absolutely swell as I am out of ideas and patience.

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Can't help you out, but I'm having a bit of the same problem. Every time I advance in a game CTD's will increase. Sometimes even at fixed areas on the map. But if I start a new game, or just test run the game world using COC console commands, the game runs just fine. Maybe this has something to do with the number of open quests in your quest menu. I read something about this a while back...


Do you also have the problem that saved games will turn corrupt from a certain point, no matter what you do? I do!


I've tried a completely fresh install of Skyrim and added my mods again. I'm gonna do a playthrough without adding any mods this time, because I'm really thinking that adding a mod to a saved game is a NO NO, no matter what other people are saying.


If there is anybody out there who can help us out with this problem, it would be very much appreciated! :)

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Try and keep your mod number low and just use what you absolutely need... the more you add, the more unstable it becomes... always pick quality over quantity, when you overhaul the game system - go for a complete package instead of lose changes to systems (eg. get Skyrim Redone, instead of all individual modules by different authors to change aspects of the game) it's generally more stable. Sure it's not perfect and sure you might like another mod more, but the game is no fun at all if youre constantly trying to figure out crashes or performance drops or quests not working, instead of actually playing.


I see so many people with 200+ mods and troubles, many mods dealing more or less with the same things...(SkyRe+ASIS+ERSO+whatever doing the same things for example) conflicts are always bad, no matter if it works due to load order overwriting things, its not a good thing. Also adding mods to an already ongoing game is not the best... but heck people don't wanna start a new game when adding/removing mods constantly. The best is just to settle for a package which is modest in terms of game changing... stay away from things that drastically change things away from the design (eg. UFO)... those are generally troublemakers.


Keep track of things when you run a lot of mods... for example when you add a new mod with a lot of tricky install/uninstall procedures, make an Excel file or whatever in which you write down a warning for yourself, or change the name in NMM or create a separate group there called "WARNING MODS" or whatever to make sure you go to the mod page when you wanna uninstall it, or the mod has a lot of dependancies, and so on to remind yourself - so you don't Uninstall and corrupt your save in 1 way or another by accident. While youre at it, make a group called SKSE Mods, so when SKSE updates (my new mods needs the newest SKSE which I don't have yet!) you can see clearly which mods you have to check which you already have that use SKSE.


Mostly when you have so many troubles and dealing with instability for god knows how long it's generally a LOT less stressful to just start over. Delete whatever mods you have and pick some mods for general game changes you like to play with, which do not have millions of people complaining about instability on the mod page... and go for there. Do not install mods just for the heck of it, when you not even going to use it - or hardly will use it, like 100 different followers or whatever.

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Looked at a few of the mods posted and one stuck out to me (hope it isn't the problem since I use it too). The mod is The Ningheim Race, and what stuck out was this line on the mods page.


Soul-shattering Gaze: Increased reserves of spiritual energy can cripple your foe by showing a glimpse of your soul's true power. Paralyze a foe for 10 seconds with a chance to paralyze all foes around if the target has less than 20% health. Type: Twice a day Power. Gained at level 15.


I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

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got ningheim as well, no problems @ level 15 here...


however Ningheim comes with its own skeleton (animations..), which does not pass through FNIS. So if the spell comes with custom animations it can cause issues.


Try this... run FNIS, make sure it does not drop any error or warning, and after that make a backup of these files in the same directory where you find them (make new folder and drop them in there for instance);


Data\meshes\actors\character\Ningheim\female\character assets female\skeleton_female.hkx

Data\meshes\actors\character\Ningheim\female\character assets female\skeleton_female.nif

Data\meshes\actors\character\Ningheim\male\character assets\skeleton.hkx

Data\meshes\actors\character\Ningheim\male\character assets\skeleton.nif


After that overwrite/replace those files with the ones found here;



Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets\skeleton.hkx

Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets\skeleton.nif


Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets female\skeleton_female.hkx

Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets female\skeleton_female.nif


If that works youll need to do this each time you add/remove a mod dependant on FNIS


I have already encountered skeleton related issues with Ningheim and have reported it to the author, but he didn't reply....

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Maybe this has something to do with the number of open quests in your quest menu. I read something about this a while back...



I do have a lot of open quests at the moment, I tend to explore and accept a lot of quests immediately. That could be a potential reason...


Try and keep your mod number low and just use what you absolutely need... the more you add, the more unstable it becomes

I was afraid of this. I guess if it means I can actually play the game, I could get rid of a bunch of mods and start again. I haven't heard of Skyrim Redone; I'll definately take a look at it. With my first game I did have more mods than I have now, but I guess I need to have even less just to play the game. This is really my first experience with mods with a game like Skyrim. I'll return if anything changes.

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Maybe this has something to do with the number of open quests in your quest menu. I read something about this a while back...



I do have a lot of open quests at the moment, I tend to explore and accept a lot of quests immediately. That could be a potential reason...


Try and keep your mod number low and just use what you absolutely need... the more you add, the more unstable it becomes

I was afraid of this. I guess if it means I can actually play the game, I could get rid of a bunch of mods and start again. I haven't heard of Skyrim Redone; I'll definately take a look at it. With my first game I did have more mods than I have now, but I guess I need to have even less just to play the game. This is really my first experience with mods with a game like Skyrim. I'll return if anything changes.




Try what I wrote above about the Skeleton first...

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Guys, I've seen games with over 200 mods run very stable....Actually before I got hit by a nasty Trojan (and had to remove all partitions on my hard disc) I had Skyrim running stable with over 200 mods myself... Right now with my first stress testing, not 1 CTD... Let's keep all fingers crossed as I'm about to start my first play-through. :P

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I modified the skeleton, got rid of some mods and made sure I only had one quest enabled at a time and Skyrim runs more smoothly than ever. Not a single crash since. The fact that the crashes could have been caused by having too many quests enabled seems absolutely ridiculous to me. I would never have suspected that it could be a cause.

It could also have been the skeleton as well, but I'm way to happy to start messing with Skyrim ever again, at least until I can get a better PC. Thank you all for your responses, I am extremely grateful.

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