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Idea for a staff mod


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(Inspired by Staves of Skyrim)

Staves are now melee weapons that are wielded by in the Right Hand but benefits from two-handed perks.

With a staff in your Right hand, you can only have a spell in your left hand.

Staves now carry special enchantments, and if you find an unenchanted staff, it can only be enchanted with enchantments restricted to staves.

These enchantments allow you to channel your left hand spell through your staff, consuming a bit of the staff's magical power (which can be recharged) to grant a bonus to your spell. (animation : the staff appear to be charging the spell)

If you have the dual cast spell, and click on both mouse buttons, you'll cast a better version of the spell (animation : the character use his left hand to create a spell arpund the top of the staff and then launch it.)

- With Dual wield parrying, one can also use his staff to block.



Staff enchantment are, for example :

Spell of X school channeled through the staff cost Y% Less


Sorry for my bad english, it is not my primary langage and I had no idea how to exactly describe my idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

sounds really cool. I'm also looking into this and other similar mods. unfortunately, there's not a lot out there for doing melee with a staff. i'd really like to be able to fight with a staff like you do in dragon age and maybe have different destruction enchantments for power attacks that would work like the energy blade on the bloodskal blade in the dlc. again, unfortunately this all takes a bit of scripting. which is something I'm not very good with...

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