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Level 47 save CTD when loading.


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Okay here is what happen. Long story short. I had to wipe my computer losing all my skyrim mods and such on that drive. Well I still have my level 47 saved character in the Skyrim saves,however i don't have all the mods. I've tried to get all the mods I can remember I had back in the game. But when i load the save, The message "Do you wanna continue mod content is missing." As soon as I click yes it CTDs.

Any help or solutions?

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If you don't know which mods (and versions) you had exactly then youll have to start over if youre not able to open your save Im afraid...


Even if you somehow do manage to open the save, there will be zero guarantee the game will behave normally and is stable...


Really, best thing is just forget about it and start over, and yes that does suck :(


Sorry man, but that's just how the save games work

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