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Hostile South Wall Cornerclub


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Ok, so as the title states.. The whole cornerclub is hostile and trying to kill me. I accidently 'took' something from a barrel, and they all went psycho on me.. IS there a way to turn them normal again, other then letting them beat me to death? I lookd but cant seem to find any commands that reset NPC hatred.. If I'd finished up all the thief quests it wouldn't be a problem, but I didnt.. so.. any help?
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  • 1 month later...
Now do you have a bounty because if you do, you need to see Phane Rielle at the thieves guild in Balmora to pay off the bounty. If its not that then im not too sure. It could be a mod conflict?
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  • 4 weeks later...
Now do you have a bounty because if you do, you need to see Phane Rielle at the thieves guild in Balmora to pay off the bounty. If its not that then im not too sure. It could be a mod conflict?



if you mean the "South Wall Corner Club" as in the thieves guild???? then here's a cheat you can use to help yourself out. (below)




ps: you may need to put a space between the pcjoinfaction and "thievesguild". same between thieves and guild. Hope this helps~

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