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D3D9.dll causing CTD on startup


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Hi all!


I just installed Climates of Tamriel and Phinix Natural ENB and it has started causing an immediate CTD when I try to run the game via SKSE/mod organiser.


If I remove d3d9.dll and leave d3d9_smaa.dll, the game runs fine via SKSE/mod organiser, though I assume the ENB element is no longer functioning.


How can I re-enable ENB and get my install to cope with d3d9.dll?

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Just entertain me a bit and open injector.ini. I've found mine likes to reset the setting to SMAA_PRESET_CUSTOM, which always caused me to crash on startup. Setting it to preset = SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA fixes it up.


It tends to reset any time I install a new ENB preset.

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Just entertain me a bit and open injector.ini. I've found mine likes to reset the setting to SMAA_PRESET_CUSTOM, which always caused me to crash on startup. Setting it to preset = SMAA_PRESET_ULTRA fixes it up.


It tends to reset any time I install a new ENB preset.


Thanks for replying! Unfortunately mine is already set to Ultra :(

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Did you have another version of ENB installed before Phinix? If so, left over files that aren't compatible with Phinix could be the issue.

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You sure you copied the correct ENB? And renamed the correct .dll as well (if you renamed them yourself). See if re-downloading helps from ENB website. Make sure you download the correct binary, not the newest. The mod page should have instruction on which ENB binary you need.


Also, do you have MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision installed? Those programs are not compatible and cause CTD on loading a modified d3d9.dll. MSI Afterburner has a Beta version in which you can detach the OSD from the overclocking tool so it can work with modified d3d9 files, as long as you do not install/activate the OSD.

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