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can anyone help me learn how to mod?


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i was wondering if anyone out there could give me some ono on one help learningh ow to mod, as a warning i have not even tried to mod before now but i had an idea for a mod that i simply need to try and make.


can anyone help me learn how to mod?

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It can be quite a time investment for someone to learn another individual to create a mod, not to mention

it is unpractical. Atleast that is what I imagine...


I don't know if you have come across tutorials, but I personally would suggest you take a look at this

website of the creation kit tool:


This way you can to it at your own pace and reread if neccesary.

Plenty of guides and what not can be found on the internet.


Or you can take a look at Bethesda's own youtube channel which offers a tutorial to some degree:



Whatever suits you best, I hope you find this useful or find someone to help you learn to mod.

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