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This thread again. Really need help, please.


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Need some help getting my in game shadows to work, and as of yet, I haven't found anything that works for me. I'll post a picture of just what my problem is, and hope that you guys know a fix to make the shadows smooth and not look like crap.




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have you set your texture detail in the launcher options? the higher it is set to, the greater the performance loss. i keep mine at medium... they dont look great, but they look better than that. also if you want em looking really crisp there are some ini tweaks here: http://itcprosolutions.com/skyrimguides/tweak_guide.htm that you can do... be sure to back up your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files before changing stuff around. hope this helps.

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That looks like you don't have the proper files to work with RaceMenu, you may want to go back and check the description page again and double check you have everything you need. If you do, Try loading up without racemenu clicked and see if the issue still remains. Also, RaceMenu should be loaded AFTER Lunari in the load order atleast thats how my load order is and I'm lvl 57 with no issues and about 60mods not including all my texture replacers.

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