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Well, I think this belongs here.


Which creature has the highest "rank" of Golden Saint and Winged Twilight?


I'd also like to know why whichever of the two it is, has the higher "rank". Is it simply a matter of power/statistics, or are any of them asociated with any of the Tribunal God-kings, and that affects their rank?


(Like Winged Twilight being asociated with Almalexia and Golden Saints with Vivec.

Say that they are equally powerful, but since Vivec is mr big boss, the Golden Saints have a higher "rank"/are worth more. This is both in relation to their souls when it comes to enchanitng and soul gems, but also how the mortals view these creatures.)




EDIT: I did read the rules (and ye Gods, every separate part of the forums seems the have their own set of rules...) and to me it still seems like this post adhere to the rules for this forum. I did elaborate a bit as per your request though.

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...alright since your new i'm going to ask you to stop making random posts. thank you. #1 I have no idea what your talking about. ("rank" and whatnot) #2 I'm going to ask you to read the rules. It wont be long for a moderator or someone shows up and gives you the links. but you can always take initiative and find them yourself. #3 read the rules again #4 use the search function, top right corner of screen next to the circle. #5 be more clearer in your questions. #6 have fun and dont spam... now...*steps away from thread, goes across room and watches closely for activity...*
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To begin: Winged Twilights are in NO way assosiated with Almalexia, and Golden Saints are not related to Vivec at all.


Winged Twilights are the messenger Daedra of the Daedra Prince Azura. Golden Saints are the spawn of the Daedra Sheogorath.


Do you mean 'rank' in terms of power? Then that requires a more thorough definition of power. Golden Saints most often carry the most powerful items; Twilights carry no weapons and are not spellcasters, so they are relatively low on the baddie scale.


There are absolutely zero creatures that are associated with the Tribunal.


There are several types of creatures:


1) Daedra-associated creatures

2) Feral and Passive Wildlife

3) Spirits and Undead


Power-wise, Daedra-creatures are probably the most powerful of all the creatures- for the moment excluding 'bosses' such as Dagoth Ur.

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I was speaking hypothetically, plus I tend to mix up Almalexia and Azura. I wish i knew why.


Ok, so winged twilight isn't so bad (they seem to rate pretty high if you trap them in soulgems though).

Golden saints and Dremora lords seems to be more closer then, and the Daedroth perhaps?


However, books in the game mention Aedra and Daedra. The Aedra are (if I remember correctly...) Daedra that joined Vivec and supported his claims on divinity.


The bad Daedra lords have the Golden Saints, Winged Twilights and Dremora as their servants.

However, why doesn't the good daedra, the Aedra, have any lesser daedric beings ascociated with them?


They could even make those into NPC's since the Atronach's in mount Kand shows that the Daedra are intelligent (I've heard a Dremora speak as well "Worthless humans").

It would add more spice to the game, and also enhance the religion of dunmer acestor-necromancy in my opinion.


To prevent the bad daedra to violate the tombs, Vivec and the Tribunal enlists the help of the Aedra who will provide the lesser daedra asociated with them as guardians along with the ancestor ghosts in the tombs.


Just a though, but I think it's an interesting concept.

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I don't think your generic 'dremora' talks. There are two with dialogue options Krazzt at the puzzle canal and Anhaedra at the Maar Gan shrine whom I think is the one you would have heard.


Whether the Daedra are really good or bad is debatable. Certainly even the 'good' ones show a remarkable degree of human frailty in the books written about them.


But giving them a different role could be interesting. I'm sure such a thing is modable, if it hasn't already been done. Have a go!

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