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Armor for a theif/wanderer/bandit that is weathered


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I started a new character, I'm going to be playing him as realistically as possible. I started him thin, very dirty looking, fur armor, also only carry what he could actually carry IRL. So it's been fun and a challenge, I headed towards Falkreath and ran into an orc and tried to sneak up on him and kill him, after barely being able to kill him, by pure dumb luck, I dropped all my fur armor put his on but found it was too noisy to sneak. Later I sold it once I got into town then stole some basic clothes until I could find some light weight armor that would work for the time being.


As my character progresses I want to put him in some kind of sneak armor that isn't elegant or nice looking in anyway. I have more armor mods installed then I know what to do with. but none really fit what i'm looking for. all sneak armor seems to be designed to look really good, and for this character he is kind of a lowlife bandit bum who would never be a part of the thieves guild so I was wondering if anyone knew of any armor that kind of fits that profile? searching through the new nexus isn't as easy as it use to be so any help would be great. Thanks!

Edited by Queldas
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Some of the fur armors look pretty scrappy.


Forsworn female armor is fan-service hawt, but on guys it looks pretty crappy. The Forsworn headgear looks really ratty on both men and women, but on girls it's kind of sexy in a "granola chick" kind of way so I'd avoid it.


I've heard it's possible to build things out of straw and manure. The Savior Hide looks as though it were made to prove that.


The fur cap makes girls look like the Swiss Miss Cocoa Girl or Little Bo Peep or something and guys like they're wearing one of those "Judge Wigs" like they wear in England in any movie with a courtroom scene.


And finally one for the girls: Stormcloak Officer Armor turns any woman who wears it into a goat. Seriously. On guys it looks vaguely Braveheart-ish, so you'll want to steer clear, but on girls? Ugh, definitely what you're looking for.

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