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Swap your character's look with a companion's one


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So first of all, i'm new to the forum and (even though that's not an excuse) i hope i posted in the right section. And second, being not english, i'd like to already apologize is there are weird sentences in what i'll write here.

Allright, so i've seen some really cool-looking followers in the nexus and some of Them inspired me on doing a RP walkthrough based on their look and the backround the creator gave them. But I'd Like to BE the charscters. I mean, of course still being the dragonborn/Being seen as the dragonborn or a companion or archmage by NPCs but look exactly as the custom follower, and i wondered of that was possible.


I googled it but only found ways to take NPC control with consol command(chich doesnt work for a real walkthrough) or mods which give you a temporarly control of a NPC. You neither "take their body" nor become them.


So I was hoping their was a Way to do so.




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