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A Death Mod Request


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My question is simple, Is it possible to set the player as an essential character, similar to a npc. I would like to know if it would be possible to do this, so that when your health depletes, you get knocked out similar to important npcs, but then revive after some brief rag dolling, again like npcs. So is this possible or simply out of the question?

Thanks in advance

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it should be posasible but the camraprobably screws up it dosn't take well to the player coming back fromt he dead. well this is what happend with oblivion anyway

I dunno the game seems to handle player knock back well enough (ie when you get knocked over by certain guns that when they score a crit knock over the target).

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Or like this. When the players Health goes to Zero the first time he get knocked down for a few seconds or 1 min and he gets back up but will suffer minor effect that will decrease your strength for some while but if they player get killed innen 10 minutes he will then remain dead.


That would be better i think :3

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Or like this. When the players Health goes to Zero the first time he get knocked down for a few seconds or 1 min and he gets back up but will suffer minor effect that will decrease your strength for some while but if they player get killed innen 10 minutes he will then remain dead.


That would be better i think :3



That's actually a good idea, but ten minutes may be a little long (Maybe 5min?). I like the idea of suffering effects from getting knocked out, it adds an impact to it (Rather than just getting back up like nothing happened)

But back to my original question, does anyone know anyone who could manage this? or better yet, if this can be done?

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i mean the 10 mins you prop Forget about it and get your self in rambo action, how about 5 min then? ( mean ingame time like if you rest it's gone like a effect) i just took this idea from Starwars Galaxies tho >_> if you die once you get knocked down for 10 sec and if you die again innen 5 min you remain dead :3
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i mean the 10 mins you prop Forget about it and get your self in rambo action, how about 5 min then? ( mean ingame time like if you rest it's gone like a effect) i just took this idea from Starwars Galaxies tho >_> if you die once you get knocked down for 10 sec and if you die again innen 5 min you remain dead :3


Yeah that's a great idea, so if you want to you can remove the debuffs, etc... by resting.


Getting back to the death issues, I know of the issue's this game has with the player's character being resurrected (Your body freaks out like crazy lol). But maybe instead of actually being dead and resurrecting, you could, in a way, fake death.


This could be done by a trigger caused when your health depletes (or maybe stop it at 1hp?) that knocks you out (Mimics dead npcs) This way you could maybe avoid the issues with resurrection. This is just a few thoughts and BTW I'm not asking to be invincible, I'm just asking for a Fable 2 style of death (Knock down followed by eventual revive) along with some debuffs which have been recommended to add some weight to it.

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