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Does someone know how to make a interior for the radiant quests?

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Hey Guys


The thread title is already the question.


We all know the radiant quests from the factions in Fallout 4, like kill the ghuls in X, or the raiders in Y.


However, I working currently on an interior and would like to know how I can set it up, so that the game knows that it can also be used as a interior for those quests, like as example the National Guard Training Yard for radiant "kill all ghuls" quests?


If someone knows that, it would solve this big riddle for me :)

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Radfient Quests use a mix of conditions, you can look at the quest reference alias fill conditions in CreationKit. They mostly include:


Location has a map marker LocationRefType


Location has a Boss LocationRefType actor for kill quests and/or BossContainer LocationRefType container for fetch quests.

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