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Quest Objective Display Troubles


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Apologies if this topic/issue has been solved already. I've seen it raised in some posts from a few years ago but no solution or fix was mentioned.


My issue is with objectives not displaying on screen where the banners/updates display. My quests are also not displaying in the pipboy when active (or completed). I have followed a number of simple quest tutorials from youtube and the Creation Kit wiki. They all basically cover the same points, and I've been following them spot on.


The strange thing is, when I check the status of the quest I'm working on via console command it is clearly activating, advancing and completing. I even get the XP rewarded UI at the end.


  • I've tried setting my Quest to None, Side Quests and Misc.
  • I've tried quests that activate and advance via triggers and npc dialogue -- setting the stage.
  • Quest stages are very basic/simple while using SetObjectiveDisplayed(xx) and SetObjectiveCompleted(xx).
  • Aliases have either been Unique or Specific.
  • Basic Objectives are setup -- have tried some with targets and without.
  • I've also tested this quest issue in existing cells and newly created cells, no luck.


Again, I've seen this issue mentioned online in a few searches but it seems quite uncommon and no solutions have been provided. Happy to share more info as needed, and any help is greatly appreciated. Has anyone run into this before?

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Did you try the quest markers? If not, follow these steps:


1. Create a quest. Create a stage (Stage 0). Quest data: "Start Game Enabled". Stage 0 data: "Run on Start".


2. Create an alias (a unique NPC is fine, just make sure it's an "existing" NPC who has a RefID).


3. In the "Quest Objectives" tab, create a new quest objective (index = 10).


4. Add a new quest marker to the quest objective. The quest marker should point to the alias.


5. Create a new stage (Stage 10).


6. In Stage 0, compile this script:






On stage 10, you should get the notification.

Edited by LarannKiar
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