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Equipping/Unequipping magic IN THE SAME HAND


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I asked this in the mod detectives, of which someone kindly answered that it was probably a feature in the new sky ui. Well, after frustratingly fiddling with the new looking favorites menu, I give up, I'm not sure what to do here.

What I exactly want is for my spell on my offhand, TO REMAIN on my offhand when I press the hotkey I assigned it to. Instead of dual wielding my spell when I press the hotkey again, I want it to unequip and keep my right hand intact. Is there a present mod that does this, or does the new SkyUi v4 have this and I'm missing something here?

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if the only thing holding you back from SKYUI is the favorite menu, you can either use 3.4 or http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4862//?


That mod override SKYUI fav menu and is far better than vanilla favorite menu.

No no no, there's nothing holding me back from SKYUI, that's not what I'm talking about... I'm referring to WHERE can I find the ability to equip/unequip certain things via hotkey, but leave them in the SAME HAND :smile: (e.g. pushing your hotkeyed spell twice will make it dual wield, I want something to stop that from happening, and just allow me to unequip it when I press the hotkey).

Edited by Lakan
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