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||||((Ghoul City Mod Request))|||||


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Imagine The City Wastes Turned in to a Even More Crazy Place


Have you Ever Wondered where the Millions of People went? All Vaporized by a Nuke? Why are there still people that are fine and Buildings still in tact well? i was thinking that there should be Hundreds of Feral Ghouls & Ghouls Around the City and they only come out at Night, Evil ones and maybe animate or make a Ghoul Hunting Clan/Guild or the Brother hood could hunt them at night something sweet like that


Would that not be Awesome? Going out at Night with the biggest Guns you got and just Blowing them Away


If Possible to put thousands that would be even better



I Was Searching and Searching for a Mod like the Idea i have but there is not one i could find the closest was Marts Mutant Mod

with the Extra .Esp Feral Ghoul Rampage but my Idea Would Be Awesome........ No The BEST!

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No Replys? Come on it would be the Best mod of the Year Also


If i was going to make it i would Restrict Traveling and make some form of Transportation like a Giant Mutant or something fast so you would have to go to Transportation Points and pay to quick travel it would make the game way better so if your out and it starts to get dark all the ghouls start to come out and you have to hurry up and Hide or Find a Fast Travel or safe location and wait it out that would be so immersive you would Crap your self from the Crazy Awsomeness of the mod LOL

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in answer to your first question there are people who are perfectly good because there grandparents where underground in bomb shelters they left and reproduced ghouls are just people exposed to radiation most of the ghouls in wasteland during the game time aren't that much older then the player character. thats why there aren't that much ghouls cus yes nearly everyone was vaporised.
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:biggrin: ok well this is what happened the people of DC where riding in the Subways, alot of the subs are still in tact so the people in those are fine and after the Explosions every 1 was like WTF just happened, so they worked there way out of the subway and got Extreme Radiation Poisoning, Very Very Bad Poisoning So bad it drove them insane and they slowly turned to Ferrell Ghouls.. All the Anger and hate of knowing all there Friends and Families Are Dead and Rad Poisoning Drove most the people insane Thus Creating the Evil Ghoul.


And they Migrated to the Undergrounds

because the Sunlight Burns there skin from the Poisoning, so they only come out at night Mooahahaha :verymad:


there is the answer

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It could also be overwhelmingly unbalanced.

How do you kill thousands of feral ghouls and what ever else like them?


Why not just add a few more packs of feral ghouls that only come out at night? Make them special in some way because in the night they have enhanced abilities of some kind.


There is a mod called the Battle of Washington which sounded like a fine idea but, even with a reduced version called 'less troops', overwhelmed the game. For instance a whole lot of ghoul Chinese soldiers quickly killed all of the B-of-S guarding the GNR building and they were heavily armed and in power armour. I was there and all I could was run for it (actually I died the first time) and I was well armed and armoured with a powerful companion.


Point is I will play that mod again but only when I have finished the whole game, with other mods, at least a couple of times.


If I did play a mod as you propose it I would probably only play it the same way.


I hope I did not offend.

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Not a mod that I would be willing to take on myself, but good luck with it. Its always good to see fresh ideas.


To give you a few pointers in the balance issue, you could give th ghouls their own AI package,


by night hunt the player and ignore all NPC's,

by day do almost nothing.


This way they shouldn't run off and overwhelm stuff while your not looking. With the right faction settings, NPC's near the player would also join in the fight in the appropriate way.


This would also allow you to give the impression of huge numbers of ghouls without adding much, as they would basically be player hunters that respawned 3 days after deather, so by night you would constantly be getting attacked.


You could also tell them to ignore the player if he is indoors, or in certain zones, so for example, you would be safe inside Megaton.

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