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||||((Ghoul City Mod Request))|||||


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Malstrom, the mod you're proposing isn't too hard to make.

It's mostly about time scripting, placing a lot of levelled creature list (creature spawn) markers in the dc area, and creating custom feral ghouls to do the job.

Simply put, it's a very do-able mod which I think, you could make yourself.

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  • 4 months later...

wow... u guys totally forgot the mmm (marts mutant mod) that adds a load of 'stuff'. night ghouls, and all sorts of 'stuff' (again with the stuff!) if you cant download the 'stuff he has, then ask him to do one only with ghouls.


P.S. he has increased spawns mod and this affects night ghouls too. try it out... i did...

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