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Weapon rack axis glitch?


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I created a square armory room. I setup a working weapon rack, then duplciated it around walls of the room.


All of the weapon racks that are facing towards or away from the red axis in the render window have issues correctly placing weapons (especially two handers). All of the other racks have no issues. They are duplicates of the same weapon rack, so im stumped.


Is this similar to the mannequin glitch listed here:



  • For an unknown reason, the mannequins doesn't work properly when facing "north" of the cell. Rotating the mannequin to another direction seems to fix the issue. The best way to fix this issue is to rotate the offending mannequin(s) 45 degrees (and its corresponding MannequinActivateTrig) from its original position then orient the xmarkerheading to the direction you want the mannequin to face. If the xmarkerheading is at an angle it may cause the mannequin to be inaccessible in game. Don't worry the mannequins WILL orient to the xmarkerheading they will not show up in game at the 45 degree angle. It is also helpful to snap the MannequinActivateTrig to the mannequin then snap the xmarkerheading to the MannequinActivateTrig. Lastly, it seems you need to have the navmesh run under your mannequins to ensure they stay in place. Placing your mannequins in this manner will prevent the mannequins from moving around your created space but you may still notice some minor changes in poses.



I can't simply rotate my weapon racks 45 degrees and have the room functional.

Edited by gorey666
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