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Trying to make a more lifely spouse mod


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Hello i did a bit of modding with fallout 3 and new vegas but never much since i was quite young at the time so my modding skills are not too great.

I am trying to make the spouses more realistic by making them do more stuff around the house and town.

but i am i bit stuck, i was trying to make a simple "sleep" package as a test in the RelationshipMarriageFIN package in solitude proudspire manor but when i test it out they never sleep with when i made it "in cell" and when i do a "near reference" they walk back to they're default homes.

i also modify the sandbox of the spouses by puting time lmits and when they start.

i dont know what to do, could someone please help me with this problem.

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An update on my progress and testing.

I figured out that none of the new AI packages i put in the Quest: RelationshipMarriageFIN even the ones used by other actors, the only ones that work are the original one like MarriageSpouseWhiterunSandboxPlayersHouse.

So am i missing something here? is there a step i must do before playing around with the AliasPackageData?

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