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I read on the Elder Scrolls Wiki page that you need to swing the Bloodskal Blade at the moving red lines on each side of the ancient puzzle door. I see a continuous red background with occasional blobs/dots that move toward the puzzle door. The wiki site said that you have to sweep the blade for 'horizontal' blobs and just swing normal to hit the vertical blobs. Some of the blobs look bigger and fuzzier than the other blobs. However, I don't really see a vertical line moving along either red stip.


My question is: Do I have a bug in my DLC of Dragonborn? - or am I just doing things wrong?


Also: is there a cheat code that will open the puzzle door by using the console?



Thanks in advance for any help,



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I have solved the problem I also experienced slipping through the floor whenever I went back from the edge of the platform in front of the puzzle door. I loaded an earlier version of the game (from the day before) and when I reached the puzzle door: I could see the moving horizontal lines and then the vertical once I moved the stone lock. Also, I did not slip beneath the stone floor this time.

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