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Skyrim loot modification


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Hello dear modders, first of all I would like to thank you for all your amazing work, without mods, skyrim would be a dark place indeed.


I do not post this to requests because it is related to an existing file, and also, I would like to discuss the possibilites how this could be handled.


The topic is generation of loot in Skyrim. Lets face it, in vanilla, looking into random containers and non boss chests proved useless, because there was just nothing of any value. Even unlocking a master chest could reward you with measly 40 septims etc.


I wanted to ask or even propose, is anyone working/would be wiling to work/is it even possible to create a mod that would randomly generate loot from all the content you have ingame, including weapons and armor added through modification?


Anything closest to this that I have found yet is this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11018//?, which sadly seems to be have been abbandoned quite a while ago. I have yet to extensively test if it applies for dlcs etc, bud I already doubt it. What I have experienced so far from this mod is that it actualy makes the game much much more exciting, because after a very long time, it actually makes me want to do dungeon runs, because I never know what I will find at the end. I am currently using the low drop esp for this mod.


Or would anyone be willing to contact the author and refine his work to the current stage of the game? I would do it myself, but I know pretty much nothing about modding as it is.


Thank you for reading this.



Edited by Stroncium
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Thank you very much, hope I will get it to work, seems quite complicated to get running. Also although it solves the rarity of items, I am not sure if it directlyy affects ammounts of loot in containers.

Edited by Stroncium
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nop, it just takes all your weapon/armor mods that you have to merge in a single mod (instructions should be there) using tes5edit, then adds all enchantments on them that the game allows and finally distributes those new weapons/armors into the game using leveled lists.

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So in fact it does not really answer the issue I was hoping it would. I dont need more modified gear on enemies, nor do I want them to wear unified armor (which this mod does), I just wish for more randomized and more rich loot, especially in chests.

Edited by Stroncium
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