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Complete Whiterun Preview - Taster pictures of upcoming mod.


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Expansion of Whiterun, work in progress.

I have never been happy with any of the Whiterun Mods, they squeeze extra buildings in to the existing city in a haphazard way.

I have tried to make the city look like the ancient place it is, a maze of lanes and alleyways, little courtyards and corners.

I would say I have aincreased the area of the city by 60% without making it looke 'stretched' or contrived.

Edited by captainswoop
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More pics.


Most of the 'heavy' work is done. Landscape was the hardest part. Most tedious the new Navmesh.


Interiors are ready to connect to the doors and NPCs are ready.

Lots of detail and clutter to add.

Edited by captainswoop
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Looking good mate. I'll be sure to patch my Player Statue mod once you release to automatically move the statue to a more convenient spot if it detects your mod in the load order (that is if I you left any room to squeeze one in! haha)


Quick Question: I hope when you said "new navmesh" that you actually meant "edited navmesh"? Reason being, IIRC, editing a vanilla navmesh is ok as long as you are just adding tris or moving verts around. But if you actually delete the vanilla one then add your own new one, Bad Things can happen


- Hypno

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Yes, I meant edited the Navmesh, I had to move some and add quite a few new triangles.

I will check your Mod out. I am trying to keep it working with as many as i can.

Unfortunately it won't be compatible with any Mod that adds or modifies any of the City Walls or Towers etc, I have moved them around. I had to to make the city bigger.

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No need to take my mod into account when you're doing your city, you make it how you want. I'll figure it out on my end after the fact (I'm probably going to make a whole new version of that mod soon anyhow)


Good luck


- Hypno

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