dave1029 Posted June 17, 2013 Share Posted June 17, 2013 From what we know based on lore so far, it seems as time goes on things get worse and worse in Tamriel. Skyrim was a rather dark game as compared to Oblivion so I want to ask: should Bethesda take us back in time with a lighter tone to the game? Guilds thriving and intact, with whatever MQ they come up with, or should we continue on? Guilds facing destruction, Thalmor threat looming, and the literal end of the Empire. What would y'all prefer? I personally would rather go back. I want to be the Arena champion and enjoy lush landscapes full of color and continue the power of the various guilds. Maybe the next should feature Cyrodil and Valenwood? The Imperial Capital has to make a return. Especially with the next-gen consoles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElvenHeroine Posted June 18, 2013 Share Posted June 18, 2013 (edited) I think they should redo the entire Elder Scrolls, because there is much that is quite troublesome, or maybe it is just the gamers who obsess over lore that produces this problem. You see there is a Daedric Price named Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Forbidden Truth, Knowledge, Knower of the Unknown, and Keeper of Knowledge. You know people in Tamriel are kind of intimidated by Hermaeus Mora because of his tentacles and being a Daedric Prince that it is kind of undesirable to know the actual truth like why can Mer and Man reproduce together like they are the same species or whether Argonian breeds are influenced by the Hist's Sap or whether Lorkhan was an Aedra, Daedra, or just some Et'Ada. According to Nords, he is a Divine entity called Shor. To the Mer (especially the Altmer), he is just some Et'Ada, neither Daedra nor one of the eight Divines, formerly nine before the White-Gold Concordat. According to the leader of the Mythic Dawn in the TESIV game Oblivion, Lorkhan is a Daedra. So to all you guys who are strict lore conservatives or fundamentalists, just want you to know, no one in Tamriel knows the truth. chiefly because those who seek such truth would confront Hermaeus Mora who will lure them under his influence. So you know, people in Tamriel whether mer or man just accept what is told to them and would rather have it told by some Daedra like Azura, the Hist or by the some ancient account written long ago or carried by oral tradition. Anyone who seeks to find what really happened will be ensnarled by the Daedric Prince who turn them insane and have them killed when he is done with them. Then he'll keep the knowledge to himself so that no one else can know. So no one in Tamriel knows anything, except the Dwemer, the Daedra, the Aedra, a very old Vampire who still "lives," anyone who can read an Elder Scroll without going blind or insane, and especially the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. And any of them could easily just lie to you, because it is in the nature of the Daedra to deceive and it is in the nature of the Dwemer as for what they did to the Falmer. So if anyone wants to complain about the lore or lack thereof. I HAVE TWO WORDS FOR YOU! HERMAEUS MORA! And get over it.------------------------------ Now with that aside. I want to discuss what problems I have had with the series. 1) Not enough races. It feels quite bland in Skyrim because of this and in other areas too. I mean the lore extent, which is the fables, stories and myths (regardless of true or false) only goes knee deep and some places hardly even passes my toes. I want to drown in the extent of lore that can be given from just a single province and then be the same extent in each province. It could also be that I get bored quite quickly compared to most people who just naturally get obsessed with lame, stupid stuff like Nede = Old Nord or Nede and Nord are two different things, that kind of stuff, which I think is trivial. Like it is not important because of Hermaeus Mora and if it is not covered in his saliva and juices, it probably isn't true. I happen to like a lot of the races made in the mods here, which should make a lot of people happy. Like I like the Ash Elves and I think Dunmer are a hybrid between Chimer and Dwemer, because the Dwemer are pale-dusk skinned elves just like the Dunmer, so it could make sense. I also think the Dragh and Snow Khajiit (which I had named the Faliit) would be a good addition as well. Making races follow a particular scheme to how they survive and how they should be played can also be a good system to better immerse the player into that race's world without making it seem like each race is virtually the same or that each race is so different in regards to how their advantages and disadvantages are setup that creates just an overwhelming handicap to favor one race (Nords) over another race (Argonians). More like they are characterized and classified like this: Man:Subvarieties of Man like Nord, Imperial and Reguard.Mer:Subvarieties of Mer like Che infravarieties like Bosmer and Ayleids, Core-mer infravarieties Dunmer and Altmer, and Orcs (whether you just want Green Orsimer or more varieties like Stone Orcs and Blood Orcs).Ja'Ma:Subvarieties of Ja'Ma like Lilmothiit (Swamp Dwellers) infravarieties, Khajiit (Desert Dwellers) infravarieties, and Faliit (Snow or Skyrim Dwellers) infravarieties.Ja'Ma is Khajiit for Children of the Moon or Moon Children, you can check if you don't believe me, which I believe since they base their entire culture on the phases of the two moons is what they would call themselves if they were including people that didn't specifically live in Elsweyr like the Lilmothiit.Subvarieties of Saxhleel or Argonians, of course this might require more divisions or better classification like some sort of word to jointly refer to Argonians and the Tsaesci. But nevertheless, the Argonians are divided into into a variety of sub-races called breeds due to how they function in overall Argonian society each having a role except for the Dragh (which I had stated before, I like, because it offers a take on what would happen to the Argonians who migrated to Windhelm). Yes some of these races are extinct, I want to make them unextinct. Why? Tell me this which version of playing the Elder Scrolls games would be better to reflect the immersive nature of the elder scrolls in the game. A) You are in a world where less than 500 people (some which cannot reproduce with man or elf) make up an entire province, which is there an unsustainable population without incest. Cities are smaller than some villages in the real world. The largest city is only slightly larger than Winterhold, which virtually has nothing. Hermaeus Mora prevents everyone from knowing anything, otherwise he stalks them, harassing them, molests them, and impregnates them like a Japanese High School girl with his so many black tentacles. You are limited by what you can actually do. There is no need to eat or take a s***. Nothing seems real. The only way to improve immersion is by modding what should already been taken care of as a basic component of good game play in a game situated on immersion and a free world environment. The world it self is small and invisible barriers that prevent you from entering other provinces thus sacking much of the gaming experience you could have had. Oh and certain monsters level up when you do (Dragons) while others (Giants) do not. Or B) You are in a world where there is more than 30,000 people (could be more, but this is reasonable without overkilling the game by making it impossible to leave Whiterun if it should have just short of a million people) in each province encompassing cities, towns, villages that look more like cities, towns, and villages. Each region is divided into smaller regions that hold their own stories, lore, and myths that each province isn't encompassing a single race but rather multiple races making the entire world feel cosmopolitan and challenged by mono-cultural, homogenous forces that seek purity and truth over an impure world. A world where Hermaeus Mora exists, but his role isn't as absolute. A world where you can eat, poop, sleep, fart, vomit, pass out from intoxication in more than one instance. Where enemies don't inheritedly have bad AI, yet rather AI that is intelligent and differentiated to allow you multiple experiences that challenges you. Where the need for modding is minimal and solely concentrated on making quests and unique character interaction and dialogue not considered. You can go anywhere and where you cannot go is blocked off like San Andreas by miles and miles of ocean rather than an obvious wall that keeps you from going into Cyrodiil or Morrowind just so you can get to some place that is suppose to be easily accessible as it is part of a quest. I know a lot of you have been annoyed by that and hate using bypass codes just to do what should be easy for everyone to do. All monsters are the same in terms of either levelling or unleveled. The world is larger than it was in Arena. A world where by your own actions, the world can change dramatically where a race can suddenly become extinct like the Altmer or the Nords due to the actions you have done using the Elder Scrolls. A world where you can do one act and suddenly find the Thalmor and Stormcloaks in arms against the armies of Akavir. A world where modding is less needed, but easier to do with less need for fancy computer knowledge and programming. Nevertheless, it is a world that is organic that starts off from a static phase of unchanging times like how the story originally began with Anu and Sithis/Padomay, the god of sameness and the god of chaos. It is a world where good or bad things may happen based on the choices you make and how those change a world, putting it into action to produce further changes whether good or bad. You can of course be given many options to change the world after it was already changed like if it was time travel sort of thing like "Back to the future" or "Chrono Trigger." Now which are you going to rant wanting? Anyways, I have a plan I am working on to create the ultimate Elder Scrolls experience and yes the lore will differ. I don't care, because none of you guys are intelligent enough to know it is all BS (that lore friendliness is BS) due to the Hermaeus Mora and how much influence he would have in preventing the Nords, Altmer, Imperial, Bretons, Khajiit, Dunmer and even perhaps the Argonians and Beast races of Akavir from knowing the real truth about themselves and their world. Heck, I mean the Mer and Men might not be the children the Aedra, but just their poo that they emerged from or Daedra that have been corrupted by Lorkhan and later by Akatosh. It could even be possible that all of it is Hallucinations except for the one true God Hermaeus Mora also known as the Magical Spaghetti Monster of Black Japanese Virgin Raping Tentacles, who prevents everyone from knowing anything that is true. Edited June 18, 2013 by ElvenHeroine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salawow Posted June 18, 2013 Share Posted June 18, 2013 I usualy don't real long post like that, but i gotta say this one was pretty interresting.. and now at least i understand that the only true thing here is Hermaeus Mora. But hmm, since Hermaeus Mora is the one "who prevents everyone from knowing anything that is true" how can i be so sure that he's the only true thing ? I guess i must understand that i (including you) is not part of "everyone", since we are at least a group of two. Thanks Hermaeus Mora, Brain fixed, ahhh truth is good, one more black tentacle please ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElvenHeroine Posted June 18, 2013 Share Posted June 18, 2013 I usualy don't real long post like that, but i gotta say this one was pretty interresting.. and now at least i understand that the only true thing here is Hermaeus Mora. But hmm, since Hermaeus Mora is the one "who prevents everyone from knowing anything that is true" how can i be so sure that he's the only true thing ? I guess i must understand that i (including you) is not part of "everyone", since we are at least a group of two. Thanks Hermaeus Mora, Brain fixed, ahhh truth is good, one more black tentacle please ! What can I say. You either believe in the magical flying spaghetti monster named Hermaeus Mora or you don't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nodtveidt Posted June 23, 2013 Share Posted June 23, 2013 I hope in the future, I wanna see a big and very big war with the Thalmor and other groups or tribes, Destructioni what i want to see maybe another Oblivion Crisis? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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