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manufacturing mod


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so i wanna make a massive factory for making weapons and ammo but when i go to use the terminal i can only make one type of weapon or ammo at a time and can't make different guns at once at the think sets all the ammo or gun makers set to one type and not chose what plant makes each something different like one weapons plant makes combat rifles while one makes hunting rifles etc. so the mod i'm looking for is i can be able to link several lets say ammo plants to one terminal and one belt setup and i can have them all separate plants in the terminal so i can have one plant make 45. bullets, one makes 55.6 bullets one makes 5mm etc. if anyone can make a mod like that thankyou. and if what i'm asking makes no sense as my wording might not be the best please message me and we can discuss. also i need this mod for xbox one please

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