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If you could design a Vault what would it be like?


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I'm putting one together for a mod set east of the Colorado, in which the residents were subjected to incessant propaganda and brainwashing (but no chemicals, mind control agents or whatever), and although the vault is working perfectly, and keeping them alive, the people have split into two groups, one who have swallowed the "red scare" propaganda completely, and believe the outside world is full of treacherous communists who'll stop at nothing to steal their freedom and ban the wearing of pocket watches, and on the other hand, jingoistic all-Americans, who believe the only possible outcome of the Great War was a crushing victory for the USA, and are just waiting for the chance to be let out and go back to the 1950s, wholesome, robot-butler lives their great grandfathers have passed down stories about.


When the vault is opened by the Courier, the exposure to the true outside world throws the vault into chaos, and it is up to the courier to decide the final fate of the inhabitants.


Link to the entire mod description here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/992867-eastern-promises/

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A few Vaults that I would like to see are...


One Vault that would be like George Orwell's 1984. Every one is spied on, under nourished and subjected to propaganda. The people in the Vault would be like those in Tranquility lane, meaning there wouldn't be a thought in their heads beyond what they are told.


One vault where half the people are Christian evangelicals and the other half are free willed hippies. This just would end very interestingly.


Another mixed with Christian fundamentalists and Buddhists.


A Roman based society in the middle of Legion Territory.

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