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No random dragon spawns?


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Okay so I haven't played skyrim since i wiped my C drive. Reinstalled everything downloaded mods. Started a new game and
after the first dragon battle. I said to my self I dont really wanna start over again I'd like to have my old character levels back. So I downloaded Skill config off the nexus and raised my levels back up to around 31 is what i got for my character in the end. (Only touched skills.) I saved and left to go outside and continue the main quest. I saw one blood dragon after i was at the whiterun stables in the direction of riverwood river. But it flew off and collided into the mountains to the direction of Ivarstead kinda. I havent seen a single dragon since then unless its scriped onto the dragon walls.

Any suggestions are warmly welcome and I'll gladly throw my load order up if need be.

Please I would really like to fight dragons randomly like before because I use to get somewhat overencumbered with all the dragon scales and bones I would get on one journey hehe.

Edited by max20077
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Same problem here, i had to start a new game cause my last one got messed up, i was playing way before any DLC (Dragon born, Dawnguard...) and i remember that i used to have plenty of random dragon attacks, heck they even attacked towns, now after a clean install i have yet to get a single random dragon attack, other than the ones i get to fight thanks to "letters from a friend"... oh and the last two blood dragons i killed didnt gave me the soul, i have to add the souls via the console =/

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