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Craziest CTD Yet... -After Loading Saves


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We've all had our CTDs. Some before the menu - some when going from interior - exterior or in a specific location.
However, I'm having the weirdest CTD so far (in my experience.)
After I load a save, ALL the mods I used before re-initiliaze. (And patches don't seem to work. "Dual Sheath Redux Patch not enabled or bla bla..")
It's like everything gets reset after I save. So it all starts activating again, it automatically puts me in 3rd person, then my character moonwalks and noclips through everything until Skyrim CTDs.
-facepalm- No idea how to solve this one.

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Judging by what you just wrote that is either save corruption due to an unknown factor (could be load order, dirty/old mods, no merged/bashed patch, and so on), too many mods (256 loaded plugins is absolute maximum, about 180 max is advised) or both.


Solution - Fix your load order as best you can, make a merged or bashed patch, purge your old saves and start a new game. Also, never overwrite a save (create a new one instead) and never use autosave/quicksave, that's something that's been killing savegames since Morrowind. :thumbsup:

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