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Tatooine Mod Ingame Screenshots


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that would be very unrealistic to read all of the MANY star wars books in order to obtain a LITTLE knowledge of how two races look under their clothes. First of all, the Jawas and Tusken Raiders don't even appear in many of the books. Second of all, if they do appear I doubt that many of the books describe what naked Jawas and Tusken Raiders look like.



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yeah like I said it would be a waste of time also because they won't be playable. You said "we have no referance" is not an excuse, well if you even aren't sure that there are any facts about what they look like and that there isn't any source which told you what they look like why do you say to us that we have to search for such information (which there "mabey" is like you said). Like I said I'm pretty sure that there isn't any source which tells us what they look like.
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Oke. A run down of Jawa's and Tuskens to proof that in the EU (books, comics etc) it isnt known how they look like beneath their capes and masks.




Nothing common in comics, the only thing that might reveal to what they look like is their rodent like speech and the parts of ffur sticking our of their sleeves in ANH.




A real Tusken (one that had atleast 1 of the two parents tusken) is never seen so far without their cloths.


The Tusken we see in the young jedi knights series, diversity alliance written by kevin j. anderson and rebecca moesta (as Diabolic_Wizard pointed out) was a HUMAN female named Tahiri Veila. Her parents died in a tusken attack and she was more or less adopted. Untill Luke freed her and she bacame a Jedi Knight and girlfriend of Anakin Solo (yes son of Han and Leia)


Then there is the Hett family. A Jedi named Sharad Hett (the name might be spelled wrong) travelled to Tatooine on a mission for the Concil many years before TPM. He was shot down and joined the Tuskens. He married a woman (later sources reveals her as a human slave like Shmi Skywalker was) and fathered a son named Asharad Hett. At some time his mom died and Asharad was raised as a a Tusken and a Jedi. When Ki-Adi Mundi came to Tatooine right before TPM the father of Asharad died and Asharad decided to leave Tatooine to become a Jedi. He later reveals his face in the CLone Wars to Anakin to show him he is a human and that Anakiin should break off his attack on him because Anakin hates Tuskens.


Noteable things left to say


Tatooine is the homeworld of the Jawas, although some of them appeared on other places (Coruscant and the Jawa Bountyhunter from the comic Underworld with his Jawa friends as tool).


The Tuskens had many slaves like Shmi captured.


Anakin had helped a Tusken with a broken leg when he was a kid (this is from the TPM novel).

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well i dont know all the details about the tuskens or Jawas,

But i know a ronto when i see one :lol:


the model is just finished and needs to be textured and animated by Geo but here is a first impression.



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i never said that i want naked jawas and some tusken jerks or like that. i said only i wish to jawas and tuskans be playable races.


well if you consider reading books is a time consuming stupid actions (waste of time) it is your choice. but when after the relase of your mod if someone comes and say "hey it is wrong in this mod, books say that blah blah but it is not it must be" or some kinds of think, you will be only a subject of mockery for most of serious star wars fans.


*diabolic out!*

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