ruvuk Posted June 19, 2013 Share Posted June 19, 2013 . . . and I think the game's storyline has somehow gotten messed up. I don't know if the details will help anybody pinpoint the problem, but I didn't want anybody wasting his or her time trying to help me fix the wrong problem. I was doing the Diplomatic Immunity quest. I'd just given Malborn my gear in the Skeever and was walking down to the farm by the Solitude Stables to meet Delphine. I was expecting to be given partly clothes and get a ride to the Thalmor Embassy. Everything looked fine until Delphine saw me--she drew her sword and charged across the yard towards me. I was so surprised that I just stood there for a minute trying to figure out what she was doing. I'd just given Malborn all of my armor and weapons and was standing there in regular clothes. When I realized that Delphine was trying to kill me, it was a bad moment, as I had nothng with which to fight. I didn't even have any potions. I finally wound up using a Shout and blasting her across the farm yard and made a run for it. I went home and put together new weapons and armor and then returned to the farm. Delphine was still there and still after me. Now that I had my weapons and armor, I had no trouble putting her down. She's essential, so I couldn't kill her (not that I wanted to). Nothing I tried got her to stop. The guards were funny. Some of them ignored us. Some of them said things like, "This should be good!" when they saw Delphine and me squaring-off. The folks at the farm all came out to watch. A couple of times a guard would come along unaware and then, when Delphine pulled her sword, the guard would hurry off out of the way. Delphine talked some each time she recovered. Sometimes she's ask if I'd given my stuff to Malborn. But mostly she said things like, "I'm not afraid of you," or "This one is mine," or "On guard!," or "Is that all you've got?" There were a few odd comments that I thought might be a clue as to what Delphine thought she was doing. She'd say, "Listen, did you hear that?" or "What was that (sound)?" I'm not sure I've gotten all of these quotes exactly right, but I think they're all close if not exact. I tried saving the game, exiting to the Main Menu, and then continuing with the game. No change. I tried saving the game and closing the game completely. No change. I even went back to an earlier save, but that didn't help either. Delphine finally fell off the edge of the rocks above the Empire Trading Co. docks. I think she got stuck--meaning that she couldn't walk out of the small space where she'd landed. She could stand up and shoot arrows at me, but she could only hit me if I went down to the docks and walked around to the section of the dock close to the rocks where she was stuck. I walked away, and Delphine couldn't follow. I went to the wagon that was supposed to take me to the Embassy. The driver said that the lady had already paid the fare and that we'd be off as soon as she gave the word. I tried sitting in the wagon to see if that'd help, but no go. When I check my Journal, there's no indication that anything is amis. The Journal notes still read that I'm supposed to meet Delphine at the Solitude Stables. I'm pretty sure that the game has gotten confused. Does anybody know if I can maybe type a command into the console to fix this quest? Or anything else? I really don't want to start the game over. __________________________ And . . . something else . . . a similar situation happend to me once before. I was playing a different guy (different game in Skyrim) and trying to delay the dragon quest 'til I'd had some time for other things . . . I finally met up with Delphine in her secret room under the Riverwood inn . . . Delphine didn't do anything different, but I was put off by her fussing so much, when she finally said, "You'd have to be crazy to come here if you didn't trust me," I just closed the dialog and headed out. I figured a little break would help. As I was leaving, Delphine said something like, "You'll change your mind, and when you do, you know where to find me." I was actually curious to see if something might happen that would convince me that I needed to hurry up and find Delphine. <lol> But nothing happened. Or maybe it did. I was headed up to Dragonsreach to see if Farengar (sp?) had any new spell books. I stopped by the Huntsman for something, and the people inside all attacked me. No idea what that was about. But no way did I want to fight with my neighbors, so to speak, so I just knocked a few heads and got out of there. On the way up to Dragonsreach, the Whiterun guards were all as friendly as always. (Or whatever.) When I arrived inside the Dragonsreach hall, everybody there attacked me, too! Even the Jarl. Even the wizard. (I forgot to see if the guards inside were attacking me or not.) Again, I didn't want to fight with these guys, so I got out of there. Got out of Whiterun, too. I didn't seem to have any problems with the other towns or jarls. But then I went to Riverwood thinking that I'd find out what was going on, either from the guy at the bar or Delphine. BUT . . . when I trotted up to the gate at Riverwood, the townspeople all came after me. It was kind of bizarre seeing Lod charging at me saying he was going to kill me. Again, I split. I never found out what was going on when I was attacked in Whiterun and Riverwood. I didn't have some huge bounty on my head or anything like that. I'd been wanting to restart the game and try something different, and I was about half-decided that the Whiterun craziness was a glitch, so I closed that game and started a new one. __________________________ Now I'm left wondering if the whole game is somehow unstable. Or if I'm missing something important in the storyline. Thanks for reading. Any and all replies here would be genuinely appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thunderwolf86 Posted June 19, 2013 Share Posted June 19, 2013 lol if this is what I think it is, its a small problem but one that I really wish the game would inform you of. see the reason delphine went nuts outside of solitude is because you have a bounty in whiterun. talk to one of the guards and if he says the usual "wait I know you" theres the problem. see riverwood is part of whiterun hold as well as rorikstead so if you have a bounty in whiterun those 3 areas will become hostile. what I mean when I say I wish this was something the game would inform you of, I was referring to when you have a bounty in a hold. this happened to me before and it drove me nuts, mind you I hate her so I did feel a bit better getting into a fight with her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SineWaveDrox Posted June 19, 2013 Share Posted June 19, 2013 I've had this issue happen to me twice before. Once, I had a bounty in Whiterun, like thunderwolf86 said, which, once paid, fixed it. The other time I had this happen, I did not have a bounty anywhere, but I decided to try the same solution anyway. So I incurred a fine in Whiterun and paid it off, and it fixed it for me. So even if you don't have a bounty in Whiterun, it could be worth a try to get one and pay it, see if that fixes it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ruvuk Posted June 19, 2013 Author Share Posted June 19, 2013 <LOL> what a funny bug . . . i don't think i'd have ever guessed that a bounty in whiterun might cause problems in solitude . . . i'm really glad you guys told me about this . . . i checked, and, sure enough, i had a whiterun bounty on my head for 80 gold pieces . . . (i'd forgotten that i'd killed 3 Thalmor judiciars a few days earlier--clobbering those guys is my one and only crime, but i can't resist) . . . anyway, i paid the bounty, and now Delphine is her usual self . . . not sure that's much of an improvement, but whatever . . . and now I'm off to the Thalmor Embassy for some fun . . . <lol> . . . THANK YOU very much for the help . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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