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Missing Carbine / Service Rifle Sounds.


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I'm on my second attempt at modding New Vegas (first attempt was around a year ago) to have a proper playthrough. I have the normal 'must have' mods installed. Most of which came from watching Gophersvids. I also downloaded NVEC. Nvec has a weapon sound replacement mod integrated within it called CRL9000 Sound Modification for New Vegas - V041. One of the sounds the mod author says it replaces is a carbine rifle (like the All-American unique weapon)


Now, after playing around in a test save, I noticed the Carbine gun from the mod Underground Hideout had no sound play when I fired it. I could only hear the casing hitting the ground and the bullet hitting the surface I was aiming at. I also tried a Service Rifle from the NCR Rearmament mod with the same result. The proper firing sound plays when the gun is in the hand of an NPC but not me. I thought all these guns used the same sound replacement as the carbine the mod author stated but I'm not sure.


At any rate, I tried deactivating/reactivating NVEC and downloading CRL9000 itself and putting it lower in the load order, but neither work.


Is there a way to get the sound file to play properly?


Update: The All-American sound does play when I fire it. But so far the Carbine from Underground Hideout and the Assault Service Rifle from NCR Rearmament remain silent.


Second Update: Played around in FNV edit to see if there was any conflict between the two guns. Turns out the Carbine from the Hideout has none. A sound file is listed for it, but it just doesn't play. The Service Rifle (I'm hoping it's the one similar to what my character is holding since I couldn't find weapons under NCR Rearmament) did have two conflicts: one through NVEC, and the other from Weapons Mod Expanded. Oddly enought NVEC does change the sound of the service rifle, but then WMX changes it back to the original.


Really my problem hasn't changed at all. My guns are still missing a sound when I fire them.

Edited by Benjango
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