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How to use BSLightingShaderPropertyFloatController


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I'm a fresh user of NifSkope and I am working on a new weapon (got the mesh and textures already). I wanted to add an effect on a blade similar to one on bound weapons, some kind of transparent flame. I know that I have to use a BSLightingShaderPropertyFloatController, but i don't know what properties I have to give it, or what other branches have to be attached. Can someone explain to me, how to make a simple model with moving/animated texture using NifSkope?

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Copy from an existing bound weapon.

Look at my bamboo mod I did it there (there is a normal transperent stick and a blue transperent stick)


About the animation, again, Copy something from other vanilla weapons (or magic effects, or anything else), just put it with your weapon in nidskope, A weapon can contain several indepedant meshes.




Edited by majistik
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