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Planet Zoo

Mods Crashing Game, Former ZT2 Fan, Want to Learn


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So any mods I download crash the game before it even loads. I then uninstall and reinstall and the vanilla runs perfectly well. I've tried with mods updated 1.6 (Planet Zoo Plus), and still it crashed. Any advice would be much appreciated.


I used to download thousands of animals and plants for Zoo Tycoon 2 by Aurora Designs, Hendrix, and other designers, so now I want to build zoos with these beautiful creations people are making.


Also, I've never modded or created my own animals, so anyone with the time and patience to teach me I'd love to learn!

Edited by KikomanSoyboss
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I am also having this problem. For some reason bubblywum's capybara is working, but literally every single other animal is crashing the game, either before it can start, or while loading a zoo. That includes all the animals with an update for 1.6. Even Leaf's platypus from yesterday isn't working. It can't be because of 1.6. But Planet Zoo just released a 1.6.2 update for 1.6 - could it be that?

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