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Need help installing the Jessi companion mod


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Nexus Mod Manager

And here's your problem. To clarify - NMM got released a year ago, FO3 Nexus was opened about at the same time FO3 got released (2008). Most mods that are released prior to mid 2012 are incompatible with NMM and some currently released mods are as well. I'd say that over 75% of current FO3 mods won't install correctly in NMM. Not to mention that you'd be better off using FOMM since it has some tools you need (BOSS and TESSnip pop into mind).


There is a way to install using a package manager, but it ain't the easy way like you might think.


If you want to install mods for FO3 using a package manager, you have to learn about mod structure and functions first in order to repack them for installation using the desired package manager (FOMM, Wrye Flash, even NMM is possible). Alternately, you can install them manually by copy pasting the content (again, you have to learn what to copy and where first) into the Data folder and check the plugin using your desired mod manager.


Different mods tend to have different folder structures, some don't even have a folder structure but have a readme saying what to do instead. So knowledge is necessary. You'd also have to learn about load order management and sorting, merged patches, plugin merging (in case you want to use a lot of mods), and so on.


To put it simply - mods can't be installed with only a few clicks, it requires knowledge. Therefore, read up on it first and then mod your game, otherwise you'll just have headaches.

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Been following a Youtube video posted by GophersVids and all of the mods I've installed are working fine, I'm currently trying to activate the EVE (Energy Visuals Enhanced) mod on Nexus Mod Manager but it's take a very long time to do so, I was just wandering how long it's suppose to take?

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